Monday, April 25, 2005

Envy...what a feeling

Me and recent birthday boy Darren 04.05

I'd normally be in bed at this time of the night.

But I arrived home from Guangzhou a couple of hours ago, and was picked up at the airport and driven to eat nasi lemak at Changi Village. And now my head is in a sort of half-buzzing, half-weird comatose state. I'm just not used to late nights.

This posting, I guess, is prompted by one of Rita's.

I've never had a problem with envy, which stems from comparing the lives other people seem to lead with your own. You imagine that others are happier, are more accomplished, have more possessions, are cooler, are prettier, are more whatever.

That's just poison.

Comparing accomplishes nothing but it's something most of us do very well.

I admit that I've fallen into the trap of envying someone coz of something he/she possesses or coz of the life he/she has. But the feeling never lasts beyond a few minutes and after that, I'm off doing what I do.

I think one can use envy positively. You see someone accomplish something you deem wonderful. And you feel awful, wishing that person were you. So maybe it's time you started doing that thing you've been dreaming about? Instead of letting it get to you and making you feel small and worthless - why should you feel small or worthless anyway?!??? - use it to make your life a little better.

And I can bet my last dollar that someone envies what you've got. You can be dead sure about that.


Blogger Home again said...

hahaha... agree.. there is no end in envying and everyone has something enviable, including ourselves.

Yup, you are right about it being short-lived (envying someone), I no longer craved to be nestled between the 2 stars after posting the post.... hee hee... so does that mean even if we get what we envy, the satisfaction we derived is transient?


4/27/2005 3:58 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

I donno about its being transient...maybe...coz at the end of the day, you gotta determine what makes you happy, right? I live and make choices that will make my life good, and I mean my own definition of good. I don't need the trappings.

4/27/2005 4:29 AM  

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