Friday, July 03, 2009

What a difference a downward dog makes

I sneaked out during lunch to the gym for a one-hour yoga class, and boy, do I feel much better for it! I should do this more often. I probably need to work out more to feel energetic again. I hope the run tonight does me some good.


Actually, it isn't true that I haven't done much in the past 2 and a half years. What's changed - I'm married to the love of my life, I moved to London (with him, of course), I bought (and sold) a house, I became a certified yoga instructor and I'm playing music again.


Note to self: Do Not Smile At Strangers On The Tube. They Make Think You Want To Go Out With Them And Will Ask You For Your Number.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Juggling (tennis) balls

I'm watching the Wimbledon tournament for the first time in years.

I already knew that I haven't had much of a life since Jan 2007 but I'm not sure what's to blame. I know the reason - my dwindling energy levels so I don't do as much as I used to - but I'm not exactly sure what's behind it. The job? Ageing? Both? Either way, I don't like it. I don't like feeling tired all the time. It's time I did something about it.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy New Blog. Sort of.

current clothing: grey polo tee with pink flowers and black mini skirt with pockets. love pockets. black sequin ballet flats
current mood: a strange mix of excited and uninspired. restless, maybe
current taste: hazelnut cereal and milk
current hair: shoulder-length bob
current annoyance: work
current smell: jo malone nectarine blossom and honey
current thing you ought to be doing: working, probably
current jewelry: fake pearl earrings
current book: re-reading jitterbug perfume, tom robbins
current favourite refreshment: diet coke citrus twist
current worry: not knowing
current crush: johnny depp
current favorite celebrity: none
current longing: to go for a walk
current music: zero 7
current wish: to start all over again with no bad consequences
current lyric in your head: "Everyone's saying different things to me, different things to me..."
current makeup (if you're a girl!): benefit coralista, mac lipbalm, some japanese mascara
current undergarments: bra and thong
current regret: not doing enough outside work
current desktop picture: wallace and gromit - a matter of loaf and death
current plans for tonight/weekend: victoria & albert, wimbledon, cello, dumplings
current cuss word du jour: f**k off la
current disappointment: work. i sound like a broken record.
current amusement: finding a new camera
current IM/person: no one
current love: my life, my husband
current obsession: books on art
current avoidance: certain men. why now?
current favorite book: jitterbug perfume by tom robbins

Monday, August 06, 2007

Random snippets

I've been thinking about talent. You know, as in, how some people seem to be really good at everything they do? They run marathons, create cool web-sites, play three musical instruments, bake cookies so yummy that people will pay money for them, look really well-put-together all the time, and ... you get the idea.
I don't do anything very well. I can do many things pretty decently, but there's no single activity that I am really good at. Does this make sense? I'm not even very good at my job, which is what I spend most time doing. So what's wrong?
I've been daydreaming about moving to an angmo country, or at least, spending some time back in Sydney, where complexions are rosy in winter, cab drivers discuss books with you, and coffee tastes just this much better. Any country where people don't hustle and push their way into buses/trains/shops/toilets/anything, don't slam the door on old ladies, and don't feel they have the right to make you work more than 50 hours a week. I want to move to a country where people can go to nature reserves and long drives through wine country during the weekends, where trees are more noticeable than malls, and it's not always about having the latest`it' handbag.
I've been reminiscing about a younger me.
I can't believe how uncivilized I've become.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

If I were a Simpsons character

Hmmmm, this does look a bit like me.

Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm back! ... sort of

Wow! Hello, everyone! It's been a while. I survived the first six months of the job - thank god - sorted out the apartment we'll be moving into in a few weeks, and now, am just trying to keep it all together. It's a bit of a limbo period. Threw out half my clothes and bought a . Donated half my books to prepare for the joint library we'll be having...and just being happier with fewer possessions.

I do think 30 is a magical number...when you hit 30, a newfound sense of contentment sorta makes up for the decreasing energy level. Haha. Sure, I sometimes wish I were young and hot and serial-dating again, but at the end of the day, I really just wanna go home to somewhere safe, where I feel protected. A lot of things change when one gets older. You mind less how others view you and you spend more time with yourself. So you have to be happy in your own company. Nowadays, with a real job - and a mortage! - I hardly have energy for much else after work. I prefer to stay at home with the dog and a good book. In the mean time, there's the home to renovate/decorate and a wedding in 13 weeks to prepare for.

Between then and now, I also became an aunt for the first time! I don't have pictures to post yet, but her name is Sophia Chua and she's a tiny female version of my brother, which is freaky. But she's a good kid; I'm glad. She doesn't wail and she seems sensible. The type of kid I want for myself, should the day come.

Lemme know how everyone is.