Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm back! ... sort of

Wow! Hello, everyone! It's been a while. I survived the first six months of the job - thank god - sorted out the apartment we'll be moving into in a few weeks, and now, am just trying to keep it all together. It's a bit of a limbo period. Threw out half my clothes and bought a . Donated half my books to prepare for the joint library we'll be having...and just being happier with fewer possessions.

I do think 30 is a magical number...when you hit 30, a newfound sense of contentment sorta makes up for the decreasing energy level. Haha. Sure, I sometimes wish I were young and hot and serial-dating again, but at the end of the day, I really just wanna go home to somewhere safe, where I feel protected. A lot of things change when one gets older. You mind less how others view you and you spend more time with yourself. So you have to be happy in your own company. Nowadays, with a real job - and a mortage! - I hardly have energy for much else after work. I prefer to stay at home with the dog and a good book. In the mean time, there's the home to renovate/decorate and a wedding in 13 weeks to prepare for.

Between then and now, I also became an aunt for the first time! I don't have pictures to post yet, but her name is Sophia Chua and she's a tiny female version of my brother, which is freaky. But she's a good kid; I'm glad. She doesn't wail and she seems sensible. The type of kid I want for myself, should the day come.

Lemme know how everyone is.


Blogger Ann said...

hey hey, really missed you!
Hope things are pretty much ironed out for wedding.

8/01/2007 12:52 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Hello!!!! Yes, things are on track. So sad you can't be there!

8/06/2007 10:01 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

I know. I'm back till 7th Oct...=(

8/11/2007 12:01 AM  

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