Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A new place, a new beginning

So I've been back for 4ish days and things still feel a little weird.

I rearranged the furniture in my room to make it look more spacious. I threw out a lot of junk (it's great to know how little I actually NEED to get by) and now there's a tiny nook where I can put a teevee/dvd player/ps2/xbox thing/fish tank.

I still have a week off from work and will be starting at the old place next Wednesday. I'll probably ease into it in 3 seconds coz the people are the same and the work will be pretty much the same.

In the meantime, there are errands to run and stuff to do. Guess there is no better way to adjust than by plunging right in, right?

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Right now, part...III?

current clothing: pink shirt and jeans
current mood: happy. very happy
current taste: pepper crab
current hair: ponytail
current annoyance: none. can you believe it? none
current smell: mango
current thing you ought to be doing: jackall
current jewelry: none
current book: the economist magazine
current refreshment: 100plus
current worry: work-related
current crush: some hot actor
current favorite celebrity: larry king. is that weird?
current longing: to be at a beach resort
current music: simple things, zero 7
current wish: to be fitter
current lyric in your head:
"everyone's saying different things to me, different things to me..."

current makeup (if you're a girl!): none
current undergarments: bra and girl boxers
current regret: not having been more frugal this year
current desktop picture: sandy beach
current plans for tonight/weekend: sleep
current cuss word du jour: fuck
current disappointment: that I ate too much today
current amusement: making up lists
current IM/person: carrie
current love: music
current obsession: music
current avoidance: bad thoughts
current poster: must love dogs
current favorite book:
one hundred years of solitude, gabriel garcia marquez

current favorite movie: crash

Thursday, June 15, 2006


When I was deciding whether to go back a couple of months ago, the only thought stopping me was actually this: "what would people think of me?"

I didn't want people to think I am a quitter.

I don't want to think I am a quitter.

Then I remembered this. I don't live my life to please people. I don't wanna care what you think coz it is my life. It's simple but sometimes it's easier said than done, no?

I do what makes me happy.

So see you guys in a couple of days, where the sun shines every day, every year.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

New haircut

I'm so sick of my long hair, I went out and got myself a bob.

Now, I look even younger.

Listening to: Buddha Bar IV

Friday, June 02, 2006

My latest addiction

So I am S-L-O-W to catch on, what with the show having been nominated for Emmys and Golden Globes and stuff, and being in its 5th season in the US...but I always say, "Better late than ER!"

huk huk huk.

I'm talking about Scrubs.

It's hilarious, off-beat, smart, makes you look at life in a totally new way, and full of characters just like you and me..."completely the same, yet totally different."
