Sunday, May 29, 2005

Weird music in the background while I type this...

current clothing: pink tee and khakis
current mood: hungry
current taste: butterscotch candy
current hair: hanging loose
current annoyance: being in the office for an unnecessary amount of time on a sunday
current smell: butterscotch candy
current thing you ought to be doing: eating dinner
current jewelry: blue earrings
current book: the rough guide to new york city
current favourite refreshment: water
current worry: work stuff
current longing: to leave the building
current music: Zero 7's When It Falls
current wish: to get my ass moving again
current lyric in your head: "This love has taken its toll"
current makeup (if you're a girl!): mascara and blush
current undergarments: bra and girl boy shorts
current regret: none, really
current desktop picture: sunflowers
current plans for tonight/weekend: to go home to a home-cooked meal
current cuss word du jour: f**kwit
current disappointment: work stuff
current amusement: my puppy, Whiskey
current IM/person: Jaci
current love: ...
current obsession: collecting recipes
current avoidance: boys
current favorite book: poems by Pablo Neruda
current favorite movie: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


1. This will be a point-form posting.
2. I think I may have found the perfect blend of dependency and non-neediness, something which doesn't cramp my style, which gives me a healthier, stronger sense of myself. I think that is a good thing.
3. I think love is truly utterly blind (not talking about me). Erm...
4. Revenge of the Sith is the most entertaining of the first three episodes, but nothing beats A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
5. I am such a Star Wars nerd.
6. The party at Ken's was quite fun.
7. I need a hair cut.
8. I need to fix my nails.
9. I need to remember to do some things.
10. I want to leave the office now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pt.3--> Not about you, could it be me?? ;p

6/02/2005 6:28 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Erm, hahaha, yes!

6/02/2005 6:57 AM  

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