Friday, August 19, 2005

What a D--K

Just so there is no misunderstanding, Reverend Sugartastic has this to say.


Is that clear?

And number one...her not choosing you does not mean there's something about her.

Her not choosing you means that there's something about you that makes her know for sure that she cannot be spending a lot of time with you without going fucking nuts in some way. She is no masochist; she wants to spend her time with someone who makes her happy. Maybe it's the way you smell, maybe it's the way you talk. Go examine yourself.

Number two...what gives you the right to put her choices down? Who the hell do you think you are? Do you get every chick you want, so when someone actually turns you down, you go "What nerve!" and make snide remarks? If that's the best you can do, I pity you.

Number 3...You already have someone you're sleeping with, you fuckhead. And she knows the girl. So if you want someone to fool around with, go somewhere where people are easy about stuff like that...say, Geylang.

If I think of more stuff to say, I will. In the meantime, go expose your scarred psyche to those who actually givva shit. We don't have time for your trite one-liners.


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