Sunday, September 04, 2005

More such days, please

Rain 09.05

It has started raining and there's nothing I wanna do more than to stay in bed and read.

It's been a really tough two weeks at work since we got back from KL. People have been leaving at a rate that's too quick to replace (quite a few of them are interns, without whom we would die coz there were 4 of them and the 4 of them do a lot of work) and the rest of us have no choice but to pick up the slack. I've also taken over some court stories which I have not been following very closely, so that has been making me more stressed-out too. Been missing some story angles (and an entire story once), so not goooooood.

So the late nights and the stress have taken a toll and I've spent the past two Saturdays - I worked last Sunday and I gotta work later today- being sick and doing nothing. I figure I could fight it and go ahead with my plans or listen to my body and get some rest. And I did the latter. So it's been all work and no fun for me.

Yesterday was quite a wonderful day of nothing doing though. After having dinner with Jac at The Soul Kitchen on Friday, we went home to be homebodies and slept all the way to 10am. (Baby has had a tough week too.) Then we had nasi lemak and soya bean drink in bed while taking our time with the papers, lolled around and watched half of a terrible documentary on TV and put on Ocean's 12.

Then we went for coffee and cake at Siglap's Coffee Club and read, took a walk in the neighbourhood he grew up in, went home for a chicken-rice dinner his mom cooked and went to Breeze at Scarlet Hotel where we drank shots and wine with friends till 2am.

I want to have more such days of doing nothing.

And so does he.


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