Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Who are the people who come to Shanghai?

Someone said last night that there are two types of people who come to work/live in Shanghai: the married ones who get sent here by their companies and they bring their kids and wifes/husbands - these are usually in their mid to late 30s - and those in their early 20s who have no obligation whatsoever and come here for the freedom. These are the ones who party all the time and rave about the night life here. These are also the ones who say those in the former group "don't come out" and how boring that is.

Where does that leave me and the people I know? Am I a 'tween? Stuck in that area between the hedonistic, carefree early 20s - I used to get pissed and party every weekend and get away with it - and that stage where you "no longer come out and have fun?" Then great, coz either group doesn't sound very appealing to me.


Blogger TriStupe said...

that statement actually works anywhere in the world, just like you, i'm stuck between the 20's and 30's dilemma.

i guessed being homely, as i am, helps...would rahter spend it at home cleaning the place and enjoying what me and wifey build over the years, right?

12/13/2005 2:21 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Absolutely. :)

12/13/2005 6:48 AM  

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