Sunday, February 27, 2005

Things that make me go...

Late nights are bad for you.

I used to be able to party in the middle of the week till 4am, go for supper/breakfast, dash into the show and head to work bright and shiny without having slept a wink. Then I'll do it again the following day, and that Friday, and yeah, Saturday. I know, that was s-t-u-p-i-d.

Nowadays, I find myself loving time at home or a quiet one with friends. Like this weekend.

After a couple of days in KL last week, I had hoped that I would be able to take it easy this past in bed by 11pm and wake up at 7am that sorta thing. Fat hope; I should have known. Attended a couple of parties - the first against all of my better judgement and sense, but the second was good. Stuck to my favourite non-alcoholic beverage, ginger beer with bitters, and only had one Heineken, and that was coz some guy who didn't know what was good for him said I can't finish a bottle faster than he can. That's my weakness; I can't say no to a challenge. urgh. I stood there watching, with an empty bottle in my hand while he chugged the rest of his with a shocked look on his face. It's hilarious what people assume; they take one look at me, think I'm harmless and mild so they act like baboons.

List of events coz I'm too lazy to write:
Took Friday off coz had stomach flu
Brunch with brothers
Shopped for puppies all over the island
Dinner at Gardens
Driving lesson
Ran about 4km
Wrote to friends overseas
Exorcised the wardrobe

It was a quiet one but it was nice.

Ok I'm gunning for a morning run, so good night, world.


P.S. How much should/does one censor when one blogs?


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