Saturday, June 25, 2005

I'm a reformed cynic

Cynicism is a belief in...nothing.

You've already met cynics, I'm sure; they are those people who tell you they see thing how they really are, and that things really are rotten.

They believe that no one is sincere, and that everyone has secret, selfish reasons for the things they do.

They'll tell you that everything is rigged against you, and no one means what he/she says.

The world, according to the cynic, is a cold and cruel place...

People who are cynical or jaded make their own lives cold because they lack courage.

It takes courage to believe in things; sometimes things will disappoint you, sometimes people will let you down.

To have faith is to risk having your heart broken, and the cynic isn't willing to take that risk.

Boys Will Put You On A Pedestal (So They Can Look Up Your Skirt)
Phillip Van Munching


Blogger Sylvia said...

That's so cool. Awesome.

6/26/2005 4:56 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Hey thanks =)

6/26/2005 5:06 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

It's simple and sweet. Not serious stuff. But it's sorta sweet.

6/27/2005 1:11 PM  

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