Friday, June 10, 2005

Public Display of Affection

Jean, the thing you need most in a relationship is Flexible Independence

While every relationship cultivates its own kind of closeness, your ideal relationship would encourage a greater level of privacy and independence for both you and your partner. This sense of autonomy paired with great flexibility in pursuing your own interests means that your relationship would be able to withstand changes even when you aren't feeling that close to one another. You and your partner would understand that relationships have their ups and downs, and that tolerating change and individual differences will only lead to greater intimacy in the long run.


Even if one is in a great relationship, there is no need to publicise.

Most of my girlfriends who blog - you know who you are - have wonderful relationships with their boyfriends. I know coz they tell me.

But they are very, very discreet when it comes to gushing about their guys, if they ever.

So I hereby also refuse to gush.

I refuse.


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