Friday, March 11, 2005

The One

I've been thinking about The One quite a bit lately. I don't know if it's because of my circumstances or the things happening around me to other people, but I'm wondering what this is about - do we go by head or go by groin.

And if we do go by groin, do we just abandon all our common sense and what other people tell us and do what "feels right"?

But if we go by the head, where does that leave the heart? Aren't matters of the heart supposed to be ruled by, well, the heart?

I think for a period I had a pretty clear idea in my head of the ideal guy...I think I'm idealistic. Even at this point, after countless failed encounters and more pain than necessary, I still believe in - and want - the one person who knows me more than I can possibly know myself. I don't know how he looks like, I don't know what our meeting will be like, but I think I know how I'll

When I talk to him, it'll be a meeting of the same mind and soul. I won't have to act, I won't have to pretend, and I won't have to worry and scrutinise and obsess and analyse. There won't be uncertainty, doubt, fear. There won't be this thought that this is about ME. Maybe if I meet The One, I'll stop thinking about me and start wondering about US. Maybe if I meet The One, I will stop questioning and wondering and writing blog posts about being scared and not knowing what's going on. Coz if you meet The One, you just know?

Someone enlighten me.


Blogger La Nuage said...

you know, I didn't date a lot, but people I know who had say that when you meet the one, you just know. The relationship is just different from all the other ones. I think that when it comes to matters of the heart, you should be logical, but not too ruled by your head. AFter all, we all have ideals of the perfect person. But I don't think that the perfect person exists. What's most important is to find the person who fulfills your needs, whatever they are. And to find a person with a good character. I don't think the career and money thing is that important. If you have enough to live on and a partner who takes care of your emotional needs, you won't need anything else.

3/12/2005 2:58 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Yeah I don't care much about money either, though it's something else entirely when the guy you're seeing tries to borrow money from you! Don't ask. I've written that off as a bad lapse of judgment, momentary madness and just plain tough luck.

I'm still holding out. Here's hoping.

3/12/2005 8:57 AM  
Blogger La Nuage said...

yeah i'm with you on that. A guy who tries to borrow money is bad news. Ah well, plenty of fishes in the sea :)

3/12/2005 11:17 PM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

not that plenty in Singapore, apparently...someone told me on Friday night that the ratio of single men and women at the age of 30 is 1:3. So men have more choices, and hence the excuse to behave badly.

3/13/2005 1:09 AM  
Blogger La Nuage said...

Is that true? I think that it is right that men have more choices. A successful man our age can date 25 year olds. We don't have that luxury....

3/15/2005 2:02 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

I don't know if it's true and it's unlikely that the govt would release such figures...there was a debate about why a third of women between the ages of 30-34 are single. They are picky la, they are demanding and difficult la, it's all bullshit. If I sunk low enough, I could be married tomorrow.

3/15/2005 2:19 AM  

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