Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I'm sweeeeeeet!

You scored 85% SWEET, 77% CHUNKY, and 74% UNIQUE!

Chocolate ice cream with fudge brownies

Very sweet, very wild, and very fun! People flock to this ice cream flavour, just as they flock to you. You love being surrounded by friends and getting crazy together! You could probably stand to calm down a little, but the kind of freedom you feel is inspiring. You really care about the people in your life and party hard, but are open to new ideas and experiences.

Take the test!


Blogger coralmarine said...

My result.

You scored 92% SWEET, 59% CHUNKY, and 74% UNIQUE!
brownie batter ice cream with a rich brownie batter swirl

Mmmm....you are a very sweet mix indeed! You are warm, loving, and caring to all those around you, but you're not boring in the least! You have a wild streak and a creative, unique streak, too. You are a great friend, an interesting person, and you know how to have fun without ending up crouching over a toilet bowl. Nice!

7/05/2005 11:40 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Hehehe sounds like you!

7/06/2005 12:40 AM  

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