Pop a cap in their punkass!

There's not enough time to do all the stuff I want to do the way I want to do them.
Did anyone get that?
Nobody wants to read about lists, but here is the list of stuff I gotta get done at some point in the near future, anyway...
1. Make new eyeglasses.
2. Get ma money back.
3. Check out graduation stuff.
4. Think of story ideas for xxx.
5. Start shopping for a car.
6. Start going for yoga again.
7. Get a puppy/adopt a dog.
And here's the list of longer-term stuff I gotta get done...
1. Pick up tennis again.
2. Sign up for photography classes.
3. Learn to cook.
Check in in a month or so to see how many I have nailed down.
In the meantime, allow me to focus on surviving the next two weeks at work.
Days to driving test - 7
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