Friday, November 04, 2005

Mogwai on board

Calm down!

In the light of day - while chomping down home-cooked breakfast beehoon - last night seemed hilarious...what with Daryl freaking out in the passenger seat while I was behind the wheels for the first time!

Of course, it wasn't so hilarious when I was going through it. He raised his voice at me for THE FIRST TIME EVER - and I gave him hell for it after, though technically, he wasn't raising his voice at ME; he was just screaming "Step on the brake! You're gonna crash!" response? I slowed down the car and looked at him with shock. I screamed back "What the hell was that for?! I knew what I was doing! Would you calm down?!"

The funny thing is - Daryl is one of the, well, calmest people I know. He never raises his voice even when we fight and it's not an act. He does have a temper - if he didn't, I would be wondering what's wrong with him - but he doesn't see the need to be loud or aggressive, especially to your girlfriend, just to "have your say".

So I guess this is a note about the way we "fight". We don't shout; we don't scream. There may be some tears - from me - if the thing was bad but we're generally quite calm. I think that's cool.


Blogger Sylvia said...

Say, you could keep a diary of your soujourn into Shanghai: thoughts and experiences, humor-lite, real-life incidents. Who knows, maybe by the end of three years, you may have material which is publishable. A-la "Under the Tuscan Sun"

11/04/2005 8:38 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

That's a great idea, Sylvia! Definitely something to work on!

11/04/2005 9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want a nice even tempered boyfriend too! haha. miss ya!(:

11/05/2005 11:38 AM  
Blogger Jean.Chua said...

Yeah but he has this tendency to joke about most things which make it hard to figure out when he is serious.

11/06/2005 1:32 AM  

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