Monday, April 03, 2006

Loop. Loooopey.

Ok. I realised how incredibly mopey and boring I've been in the past few months, so I'm gonna snap out of it, as of NOW. I am also incredibly flattered - really, I am! - that my former classmate Andrea has my site linked on hers. Coz she has such a cool site and she's an amazing, funny writer. So, yeah.

I'm also realising that I'm actually in a fascinating - albeit completely loooooopey - country with crazy people, so I'm gonna start taking advantage of it. The problem is, however, I am not funny and I can't write like funny people do. When I find something interesting, I can't really tell you why, though I ought to be able to do it coz it's what I do for a living, right? I just go "That's kinda interesting." So that's kinda loserly.

I may also have to start looking for another host for this site, coz I still cannot read anything that's hosted on blogspot. That means I may have to get all my friends to convert to the other host, coz that's the only way I can read their sites. I feel out of the loop, man. Any advice, anyone??


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